So here are my top 6...Michelle's list got me thinking, and I couldn't pick just 5. Feel free to tell me which one I should delete because when I meet my future husband I want to be able to really commit (by contract if necessary) to my list of Celebrity-Friends-With-Benefits...
In no particular order, I have chosen...
1. THE ATHLETE. It's hard for me to look away from arm muscles, perfectly defined pecs, and an ass so firm you could literally break your hand on it if you slapped it ever so lightly. But when you add those lines around his mouth, the shapely jaw, and sexy buzz cut, I'm toast. So what if he's getting old:)
If you haven't seen Friday Night Lights yet, DO IT. It's free on (and hopefully when the Writers Strike is resolved the writers will get paid a little every time I watch it.) It's a really funny, heart-felt, sports-themed drama. But besides being a great show it has a lot of GREAT looking people on it. Taylor Kitsch used to be an Abercrombie model, but I like him in this show much better because he seems way less gay. Which means I might actually have a chance. (Shh...just let me believe that, ok?:))
Ever since they modernized Romeo & Juliet I have been in love. I even bought the soundtrack to the movie just for free pictures of Leonardo DiCaprio. I don't know what it is honestly; when I was looking for pictures of him online there were actually a lot that didn't meet my approval. But sometimes (um, did you see The Departed? I have never been so jealous of an actress in my life as I was of the girl he got to do in that movie) he just makes me melt. To me he is still the little boy from Growing Pains, but with an incomparable voice and a secretive, almost dangerous smile. Yum.

Did I say this list didn't have an order? I lied. For some reason I am ridiculously attracted to guys with "The Jim Look". I like the longish (but not femininely long) hair. I like good looking guys but not over the top, unbelievably good looking guys. Some may even call them dorky, but they are definitely much higher quality than traditional dorks. And when you add that sense of humor and a good laugh, I am addicted. Check out the Gap. They have a HUGE poster of him hanging out front that would look perfect on my ceiling.
5. THE GOOFBALL (part 2)
Did I mention that is my type? Check out that new t.v. show Chuck if you want to see another dorky, funny, goofy, gorgeous guy.
Another guy with a great voice, but with dimples and innocence. It's hard for me to take my eyes off him sometimes. I have probably watched episodes of that show without absorbing anything because he captivates me so much.
I don't think there is a way to categorize this one, so
I made him his own. A total mystery to me...I can't tell if he's a hopeless romantic or a player, a goofball or a serious professsional, a little preppy or a lot grungy. But he can sing, a quality I find so attractive in a guy...(I learned that back in the day, on the Mickey Mouse Club first, so he was too young to be sexy then) And he seems so intelligent...he was wearing Darfur t-shirts before I even knew what or where Darfur was. When you give a mystery man those qualities, he's hard to resist!

...That's what I think for now. What do you think?
hmm i'm liking the list, but maybe delete leo. i mean yeah he's cute, but so old news. he doesn't excite me as much as he did when i saw titanic ;)
Found you through AJ and I'm loving your new blog so far =)
I'm old (38) so Leo was too young for me, but am I too old to ogle John Krasinski & the guy who plays Chuck?
Viva La Dorks! And I may have to camp out in front of The Gap now!
Congrats on the great blog!
Ah, I love Chuck! he's so great.
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